【预订】Mining Multimedia Documents 9781138031722
/ 2017-04-26
/ 暂无出版社信息
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781138031722 Author 作者 Wahiba Ben Abdessalem Karaa and Nilanjan Dey Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 242页 Publication Date 出版日期 2017-04-26 Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 This book is a combination of two research fields: data mining and multimedia. It investigates various techniques related to mining multimedia documents based on text, image and video features. It provides an insight into the open research problems benefitting advanced undergraduates, graduates, researchers, scientists and practitioners in the fields of medicine, biology, production, education, government, national security and economy.
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/ Springer
预订 Trends in Social Network Analysis: Information Propagatio
/ 2018-07-25
/ Springer
预订 Trends in Social Network Analysis: Information Propagatio
/ 2017-04-30
/ Springer
【预订】Biomedical Image Analysis and Mining Techniques for Impr
/ 2015-11-30
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781466688117 Author 作者 Wahiba Ben Abdessalem Kar?a Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 414页 Publisher 出版社 IGI Publishing Publication Date 出版日期 2015-11-30 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 11 x 8.5 x 1 cm Shipping Weight 商品重量 2880g Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 Every second, users produce large amounts of image data from medical and satellite imaging systems. Image mining techniques that are capable of extracting useful information from image data are becoming increasingly useful, especially in medicine and the health sciences.Biomedical Image Analysis and Mining Techniques for Improved Health Outcomes addresses major techniques regarding image processing as a tool for disease identification and diagnosis, as well as treatment recommendation. Highlighting current research intended to advance the medical field, this publication is
3-6周达 Complex Data Analytics with Formal Concept Analysis [I
/ 2023-07-01
/ Springer
【预订】Proceedings of the Second International Conference of In
/ 2024-01-23
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9789819979493 Author 作者 Saber Ben Abdessalem Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 344页 Publisher 出版社 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication Date 出版日期 2024-01-23 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 This book includes selected articles from the 2nd International Conference on Innovative Textiles and Developed Materials (ITDM’2) held in Monastir, Tunisia, on May 5 and 6, 2023. The articles present latest scientific concepts and technological advances in innovative and sustainable textile materials and processes worldwide. The conference promotes exchange of ideas and emerging technologies to foster collaboration between academia and industry.
预订 高被引Mining Multimedia Documents [ISBN:9781138031722]
/ 2017-04-26