【预订】Catholic Record Society: Miscellanea XI (1917) 978116404
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】Catholic Record Society: Miscellanea XII (1921) 97811640
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】A Short History of the Catholic Church in England (1897)
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】Officia Sanctorum Slavonico Idiomate Recitanda Praecepto
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】Constitutiones Apostolicae Et Decreta Consistorialia Qua
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】Synodus Diocesana: AB Illustrissimo Et Reverendissimo Do
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】Constitutiones Apostolicae Et Decreta Consistorialia Qua
/ 2009-06-13
Dictionary of Literary Biography: Volume 266 文学传记词典
书籍非全新 85-99成新,以实拍图为准发货,介意勿拍
【预订】Advances in Mitochondrial Medicine 9789402405880
/ 2016-08-23
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9789402405880 Author 作者 Roberto Scatena Catholic University School of Medicine Rom Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 461页 Publisher 出版社 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication Date 出版日期 2016-08-23 Shipping Weight 商品重量 1050g Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 Mitochondria are far more than the “powerhouse” of the cell as they have classically been described. In fact, mitochondria biological activities have progressively expanded to include not only various bioenergetic processes but also important biosynthetic pathways, calcium homeostasis and thermogenesis, cell death by apoptosis, several different signal transduction pathways mainly related to redox control of gene expression and so on. This functional and structural complexity may undergo important derangements so to justify the definition of ‘mitochondrial medicine’,
【预订】Art, Spirituality and Economics 9783319750637
/ 2018-03-09
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9783319750637 Author 作者 Luk Bouckaert Catholic University of Leuven Leuven Belgiu Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 233页 Publisher 出版社 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication Date 出版日期 2018-03-09 Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 This volume celebrates the work of Laszlo Zsolnai, a leading researcher and scholar in the field of the ethical and spiritual aspects of economic life, who has made significant contributions to the connection between ethics, spirituality, aesthetics and economic theory. The book offers a selection of essays concerned with the ethical, spiritual and aesthetic context within which economics as a social studies discipline should be situated in order to avoid the sort of dehumanising consequences that theories based on utility maximisation and rational choice necessarily entail. It presents the economic activities of human be
3-6周达 高被引Patch Testing and Prick Testing [ISBN:9783030270988
/ 2019-12-19
预订 Software Engineering in IoT, Big Data, Cloud and Mobile C
/ 2020-12-27
/ Springer
预订Biographical Sketch of Mother Margaret Mary Hallahan,O. S.
【预订】A Cloistered Life: The Venerable Mother Mary Veronica, P
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】Rituale Augustanum Ad Normam Ritualis Romani a Gloria Me
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】Cerimoniale Secondo L'Ordine Della Santa Romana Chiesa R
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】ACTA Apostolicae Sedis: Commentarium Officiale, Volume 1
/ 2010-03-09
【预订】Teacher Education Policy and Practice 9789811350573
/ 2018-12-12
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9789811350573 Author 作者 Joce Nuttall Australian Catholic University Learning Scienc Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 142页 Publisher 出版社 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication Date 出版日期 2018-12-12 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 9.2 x 6.1 x 0.3 cm Shipping Weight 商品重量 500g Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 This volume addresses both ’evidence of impact’ and ’impact of evidence’ to reveal the complex dialogue between the enterprise of teacher education and evidence of its effects in the early 21st century, taking a critical position on the very notions of ’evidence’ and ’impact’ that underpin contemporary policy frameworks. Teacher education programs in Australia and internationally are challenged by contemporary policy frameworks to demonstrate evidence of the impact they have on the capacity of graduating
3-6周达 Operations Management for Social Good [ISBN:9783030238
/ 2020-10-17
【预订】Toys and Communication 9781349955015
/ 2018-08-23
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781349955015 Author 作者 Luísa Magalh?es Catholic University of Portugal Braga Por Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 309页 Publisher 出版社 Palgrave Macmillan Publication Date 出版日期 2018-08-23 Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 There are few scholarly books about toys, and even fewer that consider toys within the context of culture and communication. Toys and Communication is an innovative collection that effectively showcases work by specialists who have sought to examine toys throughout history and in many cultures, including 1930’s Europe, Morocco, India, Spanish art of the 16th-19th centuries. Psychologists stress the importance of the role of toys and play in children’s language development and intellectual skills, and this book demonstrates the recurrent theme of the transmission of cultural norms through the portrayal, presentation an
【预订】Addresses at Patriotic and Civic Occasions V1 9781163277
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】Lettre Pastorale: de Nos Seigneurs Les Archeveques D'Avi
/ 2010-03-19
【预订】The Papal Bull, in Coena Domini: With a Short Historical
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】Vetus Canonum Codex Lusitanae Ecclesiae, Notis Illustrat
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】The Divine Office for the Use of the Laity V2: Containin
/ 2010-09-10
【预订】Arancel Parroquial Vijente de Derechos de Entierros, Mat
/ 2010-05-25
【预订】Pontificale Romanum Summorum Pontificum Jussu Editum a B
/ 2010-05-12
【预订】Constitutiones, Et Decreta Apostolica a Regularibus in P
/ 2009-06-13
【预订】Insurance Regulation in the European Union 9783319870274
/ 2018-06-23
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9783319870274 Author 作者 Pierpaolo Marano Catholic University of the Sacred Heart M Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 405页 Publisher 出版社 Palgrave Macmillan Publication Date 出版日期 2018-06-23 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 This book explores the profound transformation that has taken place in European insurance legislation since January 2016. Expert contributions discuss the changes that have taken place in the supervision of insurance and reinsurance undertakings through an economic risk-based approach. They outline the European insurance market before going on to show how Solvency II and Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) are expected to generate significant benefits and have a positive impact on all parties involved in the insurance industry, the supervisory authorities and the insured. They also show how Solvency II i