预订 Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes [ISBN:978
【预订】Balancing the Banks: Global Lessons from the Financial C
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【预订】Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing in
/ 2017-09-13
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781522531296 Author 作者 Saifullah Khalid Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 340页 Publisher 出版社 Engineering Science Reference Publication Date 出版日期 2017-09-13 Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 Although computational intelligence and soft computing are both well-known fields, using computational intelligence and soft computing in conjunction is an emerging concept. This combination can effectively be used in practical areas of various fields of research. Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing in Engineering is an essential reference work featuring the latest scholarly research on the concepts, paradigms, and algorithms of computational intelligence and its constituent methodologies such as evolutionary computation, neural networks, and fuzzy logic. Including coverage on a broad range of topics and perspectives such as cloud computing, sa
3-6周达 Soil Remediation and Plants: Prospects and Challenges
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3-6周达 Domain Specific High-Level Synthesis for Cryptographic
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预订 Fundamental Aspects and Perspectives of MXenes [ISBN:9783
预订 Understanding Circuits [ISBN:9783031008887]
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【预订】SAT Reading Comprehension Workbook: Advanced Practice Se
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3-6周达 Essentials of Bioinformatics, Volume II: In Silico Lif
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3-6周达 Gravity Energy Storage 英文原版 [ISBN:9780128167175]
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3-6周达 Processing Technology for Bio-Based Polymers: Advanced
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3-6周达 Nanomaterials and Photocatalysis in Chemistry: Mechani
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3-6周达 Computational Intelligence Methods in COVID-19: Survei
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【预订】Recent Advances in Computer Vision Applications Using Pa
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Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9783031187377 Author 作者 Khalid M. Hosny Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 119页 Publisher 出版社 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication Date 出版日期 2024-01-24 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 9.21 x 6.14 x 0.28 Shipping Weight 商品重量 0.43磅 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 This comprehensive book is primarily intended for researchers, computer vision specialists, and high-performance computing specialists who are interested in parallelizing computer vision techniques for the sake of accelerating the run-time of computer vision methods. This book covers different penalization methods on different parallel architectures such as multi-core CPUs and GPUs. It is also a valuable reference resource for researchers at all levels (e.g., undergraduate and postgraduate) who are seeking real-life examples of speeding up the co
【预订】Plant Abiotic Stress Physiology 9781774630174
/ 2021-12-15
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781774630174 Author 作者 Tariq Aftab and Khalid Rehman Hakeem Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 null页 Publisher 出版社 Apple Academic Press Publication Date 出版日期 2021-12-15 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 234 x 156 mm (6.14 x 9.21 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 Plant Abiotic Stress Physiology, 2-volume set highlights the various innovative and emerging techniques and molecular applications that are currently being used in plant abiotic stress physiology. Volume 1: Responses and Adaptations focuses on the responses and adaptations of plants to stress factors at the cellular and molecular levels and offers a variety of advanced management strategies and technologies.With contributions from specialists in the field, the volume discusses how plants have developed diverse physiological and molecular adjustments to safeguard themselves
IPSec VPN设计 Vijay Bollapragada、Mohamed Khalid、Scott Wainner
/ 2012-11-01
/ 人民邮电出版社
IPSec是一种流行的VPN技术,有关IPSec协议的技术细节和产品级配置的图书很多,但都没有讨论IPSecVPN总体设计方面的问题,《IPSec VPN设计》旨在填补这一空白,帮助读者在各种环境中部署高效、安全的IPSecVPN解决方案。 《IPSec VPN设计》详细讨论了IPSec VPN设计,引导读者深入理解大型IPSecVPN解决方案的设计和架构。《IPSec VPN设计》共分为三部分,第一部分全面介绍了 IPSec 架构,包括 IPSec 协议及Cisco IOS IPSec实现细节;第二部分讨论了IPSecVPN设计原则,包括星型(hub-and-spoke)和全互联拓扑及容错设计,还介绍了用于简化IPSecVPN配置的动态配置模型;第三部分讨论了在IPSec VPN中支持语音和多播等应用涉及的问题,探讨了如何高效地集成IPSecVPN和MPLS VPN。 《IPSec VPN设计》适合从事IPSecVPN设计、部署和故障排除的网络从业人员阅读,也适合备考Cisco相关认证的考生阅读。