预订 Sonia Leimer: Space Junk [ISBN:9783775749107]
/ 2021-02-23
预订 Sonia Blandford's Masterclass [ISBN:9781412918633]
/ 2005-10-03
藏在故事里的听说读写 (套装共4册) 小学中低年级孩子的语文能力提升书!十二则奇想童话故事,十二种语文能力主题,大语文从
/ 2021-10-01
1. 陈伯吹国际儿童文学奖得主王文华全新力作!语文力童话,听说读写一次到位! 2. 创造性地将听、说、读、写四大语文能力,融入奇想幽默的童话故事中,培养孩子的语文学习能力。 3. 作者亲自撰写 语文超人养成手册 为家长指点迷津,拨开语文学习的谜团;设置 聪明想一想 和 亲子互动学习单 栏目,启迪语文思维,提升语文能力! 4. 可爱温馨的精美插图,严谨准确的汉语注音,适合小学中低年级孩子自主阅读。 5. 儿童文学研究专家、小学语文教育专家联合推荐!
环境金融 Sonia Labatt 著 孙冬 译 北京大学出版社 【新华书店正版书籍】
正版全新书籍 正规发票 多仓就近发货 关注店铺可享店铺优惠!
/ 2014-05-01
/ 北京大学出版社
环境金融:环境风险评估与金融产品指南 Sonia Labatt 北京大学出版社 【新华书店 正版图书书籍】
正版全新书籍 正规发票 多仓就近发货 85%城市次日送达 关注店铺可享店铺优惠!
/ 2014-05-01
/ 北京大学出版社
预订 Dr. Sonia's Guide to Navigating Pelvic Pain: Result-Orien
【现货】【翰德图书】Maison Sonia Delaunay,索尼娅·德劳内原版图书籍进口正版 Christoph S
/ 2022-11-24
/ 2018-03-01
/ 郑州大学出版社
《三只小猪》和《小红帽》可谓家喻户晓,当故事以无字书的形式呈现出来,如果让孩子来讲这个故事,他们会讲些什么呢?把《会讲故事的图形》放在孩子手里,答案就揭晓了!等着孩子们带来的惊喜吧! 好神奇的图形书 别出心裁的艺术家,用三角、圆、线、方块、梯形 这些几何课上的常客,做为故事的主角; 会说话的无字书 一张书签,一段阅读提示,打开书看到里面的图形,孩子就可以开始讲故事; 好独特的故事书 为孩子插上想象与创意的翅膀,帮助孩子创造一个独一无二的属于自己的故事版本; 好精彩的艺术书 抽象的图形、细节的呈现为孩子打开艺术之门,启发他们做出自己的图形世界,在任何时候玩一场又一场自己的图形游戏。
陶然静界 的手工软陶 sonia 著 电子工业出版社【放心购买】
/ 2017-01-01
/ 电子工业出版社
/ 2021-10-01
/ 中信出版社
21世纪以来,科学的逐步融合,特别是物理学、纳米技术、生物和医学等学科的交叉融合,横跨不同的大陆,也跨越了不同的科学与文化。这种科学的融合正带来一场变革,不只是在技术领域,也涉及我们与物质世界在生理、文化和哲学层面的联系。 这本书为我们展示了物理学、生物学和纳米科学技术交叉融合的科学领域 以生命为核心的新科学。作者具备多个学科的研究背景,她将对生命的研究置于广阔的语境中,思索并探讨着快速变化的现在,也带我们想象让新技术美梦成真的光明未来。 作为普及性读物,这本书在科学性、思辨性与可读性之间达成了微妙的平衡,它言简意赅,为前沿科学进展配上令人惊叹的彩图。这本书能够为我们推开通向纳米尺度之窗,展现跨领域材料的力量,带来新视角的深入思考。
【预订】Nano Comes to Life 9780691168807
/ 2019-11-05
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780691168807 Author 作者 Sonia Contera Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 240页 Publisher 出版社 Princeton University Press Publication Date 出版日期 2019-11-05 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 8.6 x 5.5 x 1 cm Shipping Weight 商品重量 1050g Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 The nanotechnology revolution that will transform human health and longevityNano Comes to Life opens a window onto the nanoscale—the infinitesimal realm of proteins and DNA where physics and cellular and molecular biology meet—and introduces readers to the rapidly evolving nanotechnologies that are allowing us to manipulate the very building blocks of life. Sonia Contera gives an insider’s perspective on this new frontier, revealing how nanotechnology enables a new kind of multidisciplinary science that is poised to give us control over our own biology, our health, an
预订 Values and Behavior [ISBN:9783319858937]
/ 2018-08-03
/ Springer
预订 Advances in Research, Theory and Practice in Work-Integra
/ 2021-12-01
预订 Insecticides - Basic and Other Applications [ISBN:9789535
/ Intech
【预订】People Under Three 9780415665216
/ 2014-10-06
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780415665216 Author 作者 Sonia Jackson and Ruth Forbes Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 312页 Publisher 出版社 Routledge Publication Date 出版日期 2014-10-06 Shipping Weight 商品重量 618g Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 Focusing on the childcare of very young children, this book translates child development theory and research into everyday practice. Designed specifically for those who look after children day to day, it is also a useful resource for social workers and policy makers. Topics include organizing space for living, learning, and playing; managing and working in a childcare centre; mealtimes; heuristic play with objects; and safeguarding children. This third edition is enhanced with more text boxes and case studies along with suggested readings at the end of each chapter.
【预订】Supporting Children with Social, Emotional and Mental He
/ 2021-06-30
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780367545147 Author 作者 Sonia Mainstone-Cotton Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 null页 Publisher 出版社 Routledge Publication Date 出版日期 2021-06-30 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 246 x 174 mm (6.85 x 9.69 Shipping Weight 商品重量 453.59 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 This accessible book offers essential guidance and practical ideas for early years staff to support children with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs. It draws upon a wealth of experiences and insights to explore what SEMH is, why children may have SEMH needs, and what this can look like, giving practitioners the confidence they need to understand early signals and signs.Chapters share practical tools, activities, and strategies, exploring topics that include:EnvironmentRoutines and transitionsSensory experiencesFeelings and emotionsThe role o
预订 Food Preservation and Waste Exploitation [ISBN:9781789854
/ Intech
【预订】Data-Driven Intelligent Business Sustainability 97983693
/ 2023-10-20
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9798369300497 Author 作者 Sonia Singh Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 320页 Publisher 出版社 IGI Publishing Publication Date 出版日期 2023-10-20 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 Data-driven decision making is crucial for ensuring the long-term sustainability of businesses and economic growth. While rapid technological advancements have enabled the collection and analysis of data on an unprecedented scale, businesses face challenges in adopting evidence-based decision making. Data-Driven Intelligent Business Sustainability is a comprehensive guide that examines the challenges and opportunities presented by data-driven decision making. It covers new technologies like blockchain, IoT, and AI, explores their potential for sustainable business success, and provides guidance on managing cybersecurity threats.The book also includes case studies and
【预订】Cytotoxicity - New Insights into Toxic Assessment 978183
/ 2021-09-15
/ Intech
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781839687266 Author 作者 Sonia Soloneski Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 122页 Publisher 出版社 Intech Publication Date 出版日期 2021-09-15 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 This edited book, Cytotoxicity - New Insights into Toxic Assessment, is intended to present some strategies, methods, interpretations and recent advances in order to facilitate scientific research on in vitro toxic responses, presenting both theoretical and practical aspects.
【预订】Exploring Plant Cells for the Production of Compounds of
/ 2022-04-11
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9783030582739 Author 作者 Sonia Malik Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 353页 Publisher 出版社 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication Date 出版日期 2022-04-11 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 9.21 x 6.14 x 0.75 Shipping Weight 商品重量 1.12 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 Natural compounds obtained from plants represent a tremendous global market due to their use as food additives, cosmetics, in agriculture and in pharmaceuticals. This book provides up-to-date information on various strategies and methods for producing compounds of interest. Leading researchers discuss the latest advances in environmentally friendly natural compound production from plants, making the book a valuable resource for biotechnologists, pharmacists, food technologists and researchers working in the medical and healthcare industries.
/ 2022-04-26
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781477325810 Author 作者 Sonia Nimr Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 128页 Publisher 出版社 University of Texas Press Publication Date 出版日期 2022-04-26 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 A time-traveling fantasy adventure centered on a Palestinian girl who travels to the past in a magical quest to save the world.
预订 Computational Systems Biology in Medicine and Biotechnolo
【预订】Language, Culture, and Teaching 9781138206144
/ 2017-08-24
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781138206144 Author 作者 Sonia Nieto Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 252页 Publisher 出版社 Routledge Publication Date 出版日期 2017-08-24 Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 Sonia Nieto speaks directly to current and future teachers in this thoughtful integration of a selection of her key writings with creative pedagogical features, offering information, insights, and motivation to teach culturally, racially, and linguistically diverse students.