【预订】Transforming Contagion 9780813589596
/ 2018-07-30
/ 暂无出版社信息
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780813589596 Author 作者 Ilana Luna C.C. Wharram Marlene Tromp Justin Rogers-Cooper M Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 230页 Publication Date 出版日期 2018-07-30 Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 Moving from viruses, vaccines, and copycat murder to gay panics, xenophobia, and psychopaths, Transforming Contagion energetically fuses critical humanities and social science perspectives into a boundary-smashing interdisciplinary collection on contagion. The contributors provocatively suggest contagion to be as full of possibilities for revolution and resistance as it is for the descent into madness, malice, and extensive state control. The infectious practices rooted in politics, film, psychological exchanges, social movements, the classroom, and the circulation of a literary text or meme on social media compellingly reveal patterns that emerge in those attempts to re-ro
【预订】Top of Mind: Discovering Some Things We Already Know: Va