/ 2022-06-01
/ 清华大学出版社
本书是在伍德里奇教授撰写的经典计量经济学原版教材的基础上,根据国内教学实践进行精简的影印删减版教材。作者用简洁、准确的语言阐述了计量经济学研究的特点。与传统的教材不同,在陈述和解释假定时,作者完全放弃了非随机的或在重复样本中加以固定的回归元假定。这种方法更便于读者对计量经济学的理解和运用,是对传统计量经济学教学和研究的一个突破。读者不需要具备高深的数学知识,只要掌握大学所学的线性代数和概率统计基础知识即可。强调计量经济学在实际问题中的应用,书中含有大量例题,许多是取自或受启发于应用经济学或其他领域的作品。 本书适合各大专院校经济管理类专业本科生用作教材,也可供经济管理类教师及科研人员用作参考书。
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横截面与面板数据的计量经济分析:第2版 (美)杰弗里·M·伍德里奇(Jeffrey M.Wooldridge) 著;胡棋
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会计学 原理与方法 第3版【学习指导书】
/ 清华大学出版社
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【会计学 原理与方法 第3版【教材】 】 单本/套装任选】会计学原理与方法秦玉熙 教材+学习指导书 第3版第三版 夏冬林
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/ 清华大学出版社
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【预订】Artificial Intelligence Today 9783540664284
/ 1999-08-18
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9783540664284 Author 作者 Wooldridge Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 496页 Publisher 出版社 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication Date 出版日期 1999-08-18 Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 Artificial Intelligence is one of the most fascinating and unusual areas of academic study to have emerged this century. For some, AI is a true scientific discipline, that has made important and fundamental contributions to the use of computation for our understanding of nature and phenomena of the human mind; for others, AI is the black art of computer science.Artificial Intelligence Today provides a showcase for the field of AI as it stands today. The editors invited contributions both from traditional subfields of AI, such as theorem proving, as well as from subfields that have emerged more recently, such as agents, AI and the Internet, or synthetic actors. The
【预订】The Business of iPhone App Development: Making and Marke
/ Apress
【预订】Healthcare Marketing 9781516514267
/ 2018-04-30
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9781516514267 Author 作者 Kerri M. Camp |Barbara Ross Wooldridge Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 270页 Publisher 出版社 Cognella Academic Publishing Publication Date 出版日期 2018-04-30 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 Healthcare Marketing: Strategies for Creating Value in the Patient Experience provides students with the tools to effectively combine healthcare expertise with key marketing principles to positively affect patient satisfaction. The book features insights from practicing healthcare professionals, focused readings, and background on marketing insights deeply connected to the world of healthcare to help students adapt and thrive in a dynamic and ever-changing industry.The opening chapter of the text identifies the seven areas healthcare providers should examine to determine whether their products and services are providing
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【预订】The Road to Conscious Machines 9780241396742
/ 2020-03-05
/ Pelican
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780241396742 Author 作者 Michael Wooldridge Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 416页 Publisher 出版社 Pelican Publication Date 出版日期 2020-03-05 Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 ’A terrific book - essential reading for everyone seeking to make sense of Artificial Intelligence.’ Professor Sir Adrian Smith, Director and Chief Executive of the Alan Turing Institute ’Calm, informative and refreshingly free of hype, Wooldridge’s effortlessly readable book is the perfect guide to the history and future of AI.’ - Tom Chivers, author of The AI Does Not Hate You In this myth-busting guide to AI past and present, one of the world’s leading researchers shows why our fears for the future are misplaced. The ultimate dream of AI is to build machines that are like us: conscious and self-aware. While this remains a remote possibility, its rapid progress i
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