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3-6周达 Monitoring Multimode Continuous Processes: A Data-Driv
/ 2020-08-05
/ Springer
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【预订】Monitoring Multimode Continuous Processes 9783030547370
/ 2020-08-05
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9783030547370 Author 作者 Qui?ones-Grueiro Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 153页 Publisher 出版社 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication Date 出版日期 2020-08-05 Language 语种 英语 Book Contents 内容简介 This book examines recent methods for data-driven fault diagnosis of multimode continuous processes. It formalizes, generalizes, and systematically presents the main concepts, and approaches required to design fault diagnosis methods for multimode continuous processes. The book provides both theoretical and practical tools to help readers address the fault diagnosis problem by drawing data-driven methods from at least three different areas: statistics, unsupervised, and supervised learning.
预订 Affective Early Childhood Pedagogy for Infant-Toddlers (2
/ 2021-06-19
/ Springer
3-6周达 Monitoring Multimode Continuous Processes: A Data-Driv
/ 2021-08-19
/ Springer
【预订】Affective Early Childhood Pedagogy for Infant-Toddlers 9
/ 2022-05-19
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9783030735296 Author 作者 Gloria Qui?ones Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 146页 Publisher 出版社 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication Date 出版日期 2022-05-19 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 This exciting new book brings fresh knowledge of affective pedagogies in early childhood education and care. The book draws on cultural-historical theory in alignment with visual methodologies to elucidate infant-toddlers’ affective pedagogies through analysis of case examples. The book reveals contemporary pedagogical practices in the infant-toddler space like mealtimes, nappy change and play. These pedagogical practices show the highly specialised nature of working with infant-toddlers such as the affective relations between educators and infant-toddlers, affective dialogue, affective engagement, and the creation of affective spaces. The va
【预订】Affective Early Childhood Pedagogy for Infant-Toddlers 9
/ 2021-06-25
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9783030735265 Author 作者 Gloria Qui?ones Format 版本 精装 Pages Number 页数 146页 Publisher 出版社 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication Date 出版日期 2021-06-25 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 This exciting new book brings fresh knowledge of affective pedagogies in early childhood education and care. The book draws on cultural-historical theory in alignment with visual methodologies to elucidate infant-toddlers’ affective pedagogies through analysis of case examples. The book reveals contemporary pedagogical practices in the infant-toddler space like mealtimes, nappy change and play. These pedagogical practices show the highly specialised nature of working with infant-toddlers such as the affective relations between educators and infant-toddlers, affective dialogue, affective engagement, and the creation of affective spaces. The value of
【预订】Monitoring Multimode Continuous Processes 9783030547400
/ 2021-08-05
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9783030547400 Author 作者 Marcos Qui?ones-Grueiro Format 版本 平装-胶订 Pages Number 页数 null页 Publisher 出版社 Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication Date 出版日期 2021-08-05 Language 语种 其它(含多语) Book Contents 内容简介 This book examines recent methods for data-driven fault diagnosis of multimode continuous processes. It formalizes, generalizes, and systematically presents the main concepts, and approaches required to design fault diagnosis methods for multimode continuous processes. The book provides both theoretical and practical tools to help readers address the fault diagnosis problem by drawing data-driven methods from at least three different areas: statistics, unsupervised, and supervised learning.
预订 Affective Early Childhood Pedagogy for Infant-Toddlers [I
/ 2022-05-20
/ Springer
【预订】Evaluacion de Las Becas Tesis de La Universidad Autonoma
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预订 Peer Play and Relationships in Early Childhood: Internati
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3-6周达 Managing Human Resources for Environmental Sustainabil
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预订 Peer Play and Relationships in Early Childhood [ISBN:9783
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/ 2023-05-01
本书引进自 JAYPEE 出版社,由来自国际颅底中心的权威专家结合多年大量实践经验与深厚的临床知识精心打造,并由国内多家医院具有影响力的专家联袂翻译而成。本书不仅详细阐述了手术相关的解剖学,强调将内镜作为一种工具,成为通过鼻腔内的自然开口(鼻内)及次选入路(经眶、经口)用于颅底手术的微创入路,还专门介绍了神经科医师特别感兴趣的微创治疗上半规管闭合不全的内容。书中编排独具特色,图文并茂,阐释简明,不仅适合神经外科医师、耳鼻咽喉科医师、头颈外科医师在临床实践中借鉴参考,而且对经头部自然腔道和次选通道等微创手术入路有了解需求的相关人员来说,亦是一部不可多得的临床工具书。
预订Managing Expatriates: Success Factors in Private and Publi
/ 2017-12-18
正版公共景观与街景设(全三册) 韩国ones出版社编著;广州市唐艺文化传播有限公司译 湖南美术出版社
/ 2013-01-01
/ 湖南美术出版社
/ 2013-04-01
/ 湖南美术出版社
公共景观与街景设计:第一册+第三册 精装共两册 2册合售[韩]ones出版社湖南美术出版社【现货实拍 可开发票
/ 2013-04-01
/ 湖南美术出版社
正版图书 品质保障 优质服务 发货及时 售后无忧
2册附视频 颅底外科学张力伟+微侵袭颅底外科学:开放手术与内镜辅助入路张洪钿 外科学书籍 颅底入路解剖
正版图书 品质保障 优质服务 发货及时 售后无忧